Arizona Utility Contractors Association Rejoins NUCA

Chapter Members Enthusiastic About Renewed National Affiliation

The National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) and the Arizona Utility Contractors Association (AZUCA) are pleased to announce AZUCA’s board of directors voted unanimously on April 29 to rejoin NUCA as the affiliated state chapter for Arizona.

“We are very excited to welcome back Arizona utility construction members to NUCA. Working together will help both our organizations give more back to the industry and improve our membership services,” said NUCA CEO Doug Carlson. “Engaging more Arizona members in our many benefits and industry programs equals a bigger positive impact at both the National and state and local levels.”

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“AZUCA members are excited to broaden our scope of service to our members and our local communities,” said AZUCA President Clint Overton. “With the new National affiliation assisting our chapter’s membership network, we can now have a greater impact for the industry and our members.”

The local AZUCA board invites all members to reach out and communicate their thoughts and needs to current board members as the merger planning takes place in May and June. “We are well positioned to continue bringing our members’ together throughout the pandemic, and now we want to position you for greater prosperity and a louder legislative voice in the future,” said Overton.

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NUCA is expanding its presence in Arizona and in other states such as Texas, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Over the last year, existing NUCA programs such as NUCA Advantage have been expanded to offer more business benefits at a savings to members, and other new services such as the incident reporting app NUCA WINS are now part of the NUCA benefits portfolio.

Also in the last year, NUCA’s traditional member benefits have been greatly enhanced with a new emphasis on safety, education, and training.  NUCA’s enhanced focus on advocacy programs directed towards Congress are producing real results representing the members interests in Washington. AZUCA members now have the ability to participate in the industry’s annual Washington Summit at a time when infrastructure issues are at the forefront of national attention.

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NUCA’s new affiliation in Arizona promises to open more doors for AZUCA members over the years ahead. AZUCA members will automatically become NUCA members with full National benefits.  A celebration will take place at the Summer Golf Tournament, July 10 in Flagstaff, Arizona.

The AZUCA Board of Directors is comprised of:

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  • President                                     Clint Overton, VW Connect
  • Vice President                            Justin Platchek, BPG Designs
  • Treasurer/Secretary                  Jared Asay, Conover Asay CPAs
  • Immediate Past President       Arvid Veidmark III, SSC Underground
  • Director                                       Larry Antolik, Vermeer
  • Director                                       Robert Hill, Centurylink
  • Director                                       Austin Stadeli, B-Line Directional Drilling
  • Director                                       Jeanne Sapon, DBA Construction
  • Director                                       Andrew Uster, Reseco Insurance Advisors

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