Barbco Posts Strong First Quarter Financial Results
Barbco Inc. was deemed an essential industry and has been working during the Ohio’s stay-at-home directive. The company has been adhering to and exceeding both the Federal and State’s strict protective guidelines to ensure employee safety through the proactive approach of appointing a COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator.
Despite the pandemic, Barbco has delivered strong sales result for the first quarter of 2020. While certain parts of the country and certain industries have been shut down, others have been working at full capacity. Subsequently, Barbco has seen strong sales of its augers and parts business. Sales for the first quarter met the budget goals. Being a brand and technology leader in horizontal auger boring machines and augers has enabled Barbco to have a very successful first quarter.
“Our manufacturing team has stepped up in these very challenging times to produce machines to meet and exceed customer demand,” said Dave Barbera, President and Co-owner. Sales during the first quarter have been strongest in the Southern states, where the weather broke soon and contractors have been able to work around the clock improving America’s underground infrastructure on many important projects.
The sales success was also aided by the introduction last year of Barbco’s patented FlexBor and partnered with its existing industry leading TriBor technology which allows for horizontal directional drilling, (HDD) using only air or air and water which protects the environment better than any other technology available. The FlexBor and TriBor are changing the HDD market for the better because it is safer for the environment.
“With more stringent regulations in the use of chemicals and liquids in HDD, the marketplace is quickly recognizing our patented technology as the only way to safely do HDD,” commented Tony Barbera, CEO and Co-owner.
As the country begins to reopen in certain states, Barbco is well-positioned to meet the need for HDD augers and equipment. Barbco’s commitment to build environmentally safe equipment will only strengthen its technology leadership.
Click here to listen to a UC Podcast on how Barbco is dealing with the pandemic Tags: Barbco Inc.