The last thing on my mind when I attended my first NUCA convention was becoming NUCA Chairman and writing this column. But here I am, and I’m glad to be here. First, let me thank Ryan Schmitt for two years of outstanding NUCA leadership. Ryan, along with our Strategic Planning Task Force, Executive Committee and CEO Bill Hillman and his team, laid the ground work for NUCA’s strategic plan and its early implementation. I will continue to push for the plan’s top objectives: Increasing membership and member services.
We’ve had a lot of success boosting membership with NUCA-sponsored direct drives, where chapter members recruit new members into local chapters. We added more than 300 new member companies in 2012. We welcomed two new chapters, NUCA of DC and NUCA of North Texas, into NUCA last year, and we continue to work to create new chapters across the country.
NUCA is largely dependent on the success of its chapters, and the success of chapters is dependent on member involvement. If you join a local association and don’t participate in its programs to promote and improve your industry, then you are missing out on a lot of benefits. For example, NUCA has a new member service to help you find the right people to hire. Go to to create your employer profile and get started! Employers can choose from several packages; search for candidates based on specific qualifications; create an online resume “agent” to e-mail qualified candidates; post jobs and internships; get help with government compliance and much more. Job seekers can also post their resume for free.
I came to NUCA national as an independent member in 2004 and served as NUCA of DC’s first president. My involvement in the national and local chapter has increased my pride in our industry and my understanding of the value of having a group of contractors speak as “one voice.” We have great national and local staffs to lobby for us. They educate lawmakers about the importance of infrastructure funding and the need to reduce the regulatory and tax burden on small businesses. But the people who have the most impact on members of Congress are constituents — you, me and other contractors that live, work, spend money, pay taxes and vote in their districts. And one of the best ways to reach them is getting involved in NUCA and attending this year’s Washington Summit, May 7-9 in Alexandria, Va. (Visit for details.)
I want to thank all of you for your continued support of NUCA and your chapters. I am looking forward to visiting chapters around the country this year, meeting contractors and associates, sharing information and doing whatever I can to offer support. Don’t be shy — if you need something, contact me at or 202.269.6694. You can also contact the NUCA national office at 703.358.9300 and we will lend a hand.