Government Relations Committee Advocates for NUCA Members

NUCA Government Relations Committee

NUCA’s Government Relations Committee is an active group of contractors who help set NUCA’s legislative and regulatory priorities on Capitol Hill. By sharing their expertise, committee members ensure that our priorities match NUCA members’ needs and that lawmakers understand the issues facing our industry. The success of NUCA’s advocacy depends on the participation and contributions of our members, and the Government Relations Committee helps to make this possible.

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The committee meets in-person or by conference call at least six times a year. During these meetings NUCA’s Director of Government Relations, Bryce Mongeon, provides an update on what’s going on in Washington, D.C., and what Members of Congress and staff are discussing on Capitol Hill. This is an excellent opportunity for NUCA members to learn more about the status of our industry’s specific issues. There is also the opportunity for committee members to provide feedback on recent advocacy activity or to raise any potential issues they believe could be addressed through Government Relations. Tom Butler, of Burgess Civil, is the Government Relations Committee Chairman and plays an important role in setting the agenda.

Right now, the committee’s top priority is advancing our industry’s interests as part of infrastructure discussions. With Republicans and Democrats each controlling some of the levers of power in Washington, investing in our nation’s infrastructure might be one of the few areas where there is bipartisan agreement. NUCA’s Government Relations Committee has been leading efforts to highlight our industry’s priorities, including investment in water infrastructure. Members of the committee help to amplify this message by contacting their lawmakers and encouraging their fellow NUCA members to participate.

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Moving forward, the committee is looking to solicit even more input from its members. In particular, the committee will be circulating and providing feedback on legislation that has been introduced to Congress. The information gathered from this process will be used to develop the priorities for the Washington Summit.

NUCA’s annual Washington Summit is the Government Relations Committee’s premiere advocacy event. At the summit, all attendees have the chance to meet with their lawmakers, introduce or update them on our industry, and lobby for issues that will benefit NUCA businesses’ bottom lines. Government Relations Committee members will help to make this event a success by ensuring that our priorities are targeted to the most pressing needs in our industry and that we have a compelling argument for each item.

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Participating in NUCA’s Government Relations Committee is an excellent way for members to learn more about the way in which federal programs and regulations impact our industry, and more importantly, to help make NUCA’s advocacy a success. Committee members’ efforts ultimately benefit their business and all NUCA members.

According to Committee Chairman Tom Butler, “There is no substitute for active, engaged participation. The more often we present our issues to Congress and the greater our presence, the more likely we are to effect positive change for our industry. I encourage all NUCA members to consider getting involved in the Government Relations Committee.”

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For more information about the Government Relations Committee, please contact Bryce Mongeon at Tags: