NAXSA Hosts Trench Safety Summit in Florida
Construction and safety professionals converged on the Central Florida Fairgrounds in Orlando, Florida, November 22 for the state’s inaugural Trench Safety Summit, presented and hosted by the North American Excavation Shoring Association (NAXSA).
Participants arrived in the early morning, ready to reach one common goal: to help prevent a tragedy in the workplace by learning more about trench safety and shoring equipment and practices.
“For most contractors, jobsite safety is a primary objective of their daily work, but unfortunately, excavation safety is often overlooked,” says Event Coordinator Jason Figueredo, Florida District Manager at National Trench Safety. “This Summit is a way to connect Florida contractors with experts in trench safety, and for them to see how trench shoring equipment can be properly used to save lives.”
The day-long Summit offered cross-training in both the Fairground Pavilion and using open air excavation/trenching equipment stations. Traditional training in the Pavilion featured Trench Accidents and Statistics, Pipe Plug Safety, and Understanding Manufacturer’s Tabulated Data. Attendees also received an OSHA Activity Update.
Excavation/trenching equipment station training, led by industry safety instructors, included:
- Proper Use of Trench Boxes
- Proper Use of Modular Aluminum Trench Shields
- Proper Use of Hydraulic Vertical Shores
- Fall Protection & Other Safety Products
The event also featured a Trench Rescue Simulation by the Orange County Fire Rescue team.
NAXSA member companies who organized and cohosted the event were National Trench Safety, Sunstate Equipment, Sunbelt Rentals, United Rentals Trench Safety, and Cherne Industries.
“This Trench Safety Summit is an investment in trench safety awareness training,” says Ryan Jaffe, President of NAXSA. “The employers who have sent their workers to this Summit have shown they care about the importance of trench safety and want to keep their workers safe and have everyone go home at night.”
Sponsors and exhibitors at the event included BTS-Beaver Technology Services, USF Safety Florida Construction, Arcosa Shoring Products, Florida Chamber Safety Council, Stemar Equipment, D.H. Charles Engineering, Frontline Fall Protection, Industrial Safety Products, NUCA Centra Florida, Sunshine 811, the University of Southern Florida-OSHA Training Institute Education Center, Plug Technologies, Inc., Pacific Shoring Products, and Synergy Equipment Pumps.
NAXSA was created to promote the safe and efficient use of excavation shoring practices. It represents manufacturers, engineers, rental companies/distributors, universities/educators, associates/suppliers, and government agency representatives who share the common goal of maintaining safety in the excavation shoring industry with the result of zero deaths and injuries.