NUCA Announces Representation and Advocacy Partnership with Wyman Associates
The National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) and E. Wyman Associates LLC on Aug. 2 announced a partnership that will provide outstanding representation and federal advocacy services for America’s utility and excavation contractors.
“Wyman Associates will bring exceptional knowledge and leadership paired with a deep understanding of the American utility contractor,” said Doug Kleine, NUCA interim CEO. “Eben Wyman’s decades of experience working for the federal government and representing underground utility and distribution companies delivers the necessary background to advance NUCA’s legislative and regulatory agenda. He will be a strong partner for us, advocating for the economic advancement of our members.”
Wyman Associates will be responsible for planning, implementing and overseeing NUCA’s government relations agenda, working with NUCA’s staff, 29 state chapters, and over 1,700 members. Wyman Associates’ staff will work with NUCA to review its government relations agenda, monitor and analyze federal legislation, regulations, and policy trends, and serve as the liaison to Congress and federal agencies on behalf of NUCA.
NUCA’s current issues include water infrastructure funding, federal infrastructure appropriations, private activity bonds (PABs) from state and local governments, workforce development, and industry federal regulations. Under Wyman Associates’ guidance, NUCA can begin an advocacy involvement program in other related issue areas, such as expansion of water and wastewater infrastructure investments, natural gas and energy policy, pipeline safety, broadband deployment in rural areas, and horizontal directional drilling (HDD), a highly effective trenchless construction method that promises to deliver project efficiencies and environmental benefits.
Wyman Associates will engage national industry coalitions on issues of importance to NUCA, including the Coalition for Workplace Safety, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, the Family Business Coalition, and the Common Ground Alliance. Their bailiwick will also include re-energizing the Clean Water Council, a coalition of construction contractors, manufacturers, distributors, labor unions, and other organizations concerned about effective funding channels being available for America’s environmental infrastructure.
Founded in 1964, the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) represents nearly 1,700 U.S. utility and excavation contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers who provide the materials and workforce to build and maintain our nation’s network of water, sewer, gas, telecommunications, and electric infrastructure.
Wyman Associates delivers more than 30 years of experience to underground infrastructure policy discussions, including the firm’s current role in advancing legislative and regulatory agendas for other construction contractor associations in the federal arena. From 2000 to 2012, Eben Wyman worked for NUCA on a broad range of legislative and regulatory matters important to the membership, including expansion of national infrastructure markets, tax policy, labor issues, pipeline safety and underground damage prevention, federal procurement, immigration, OSHA reform, and other pertinent issues.
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