NUCA Changes By-Laws, Engages Board In More Chapter Involvement

NUCA Board Meeting

The March 5, 2022, NUCA Annual Meeting witnessed the final act of a momentous change to the association in the making since last summer. This change expands the 27-member Board to a 37-member Board of Directors and introduces a direct NUCA member and NUCA Chapter engagement to the decision-making process.

“This change will allow for a more robust Chapter representation on the NUCA leadership team,” said NUCA CEO Doug Carlson. “Our chapters play a critical part in membership growth, advocacy, benefits promotion, and building the next set of industry leaders. This is the next step in our continuing partnership with them and their own chapter leadership.”

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Our 35 NUCA Chapters are the heart of this association’s engagement with members. This industry is very state- and regional-focused, reflecting the nature of how members construct their own community’s infrastructure projects.

A strategic initiative over the last few years by the NUCA Executive Committee and the Board of Directors was to establish a formal structure that would have direct member and Chapter engagement within NUCA’s top governing structures.

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From this initiative, the Executive Committee last fall proposed a new board of directors’ governance model that allows for direct representation from the chapters to the board. In addition to the direct representation, the region concept is expanded to the Executive Committee through the formation of five new regional vice-chairs to additionally represent the chapters in their respective regions.

A timeline was proposed last fall to temporarily change the NUCA by-laws to accommodate these new positions, and it was approved at the national board meeting held Nov. 2, 2021. The by-law changes were made permanent by member vote at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

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Every chartered NUCA Chapter in good standing, if they so elected, identified a designated NUCA National Board of Director to serve a one-year term. These terms can be renewed for a maximum of three years. The new regional vice-chairs were elected at the November 2021 meeting and serve on the national Executive Committee with two-year staggered terms. Terms can be renewed once for a total of four years of service.

National leadership officers were confirmed to be a Chairman, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past-Chair, and the CEO.

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Robert Baylor is NUCA’s Director of Communications.

NUCA Board of Directors, 2022-23
Ryan Kinning, Chairman of the BoardDavid Barbera, At-Large Board of Director
Tom Butler, Vice-ChairScott Knoblauch, At-Large Board of Director
Tony Privitera, TreasurerAndy Williams, At-Large Board of Director
Matt Mingus, SecretaryJanet Seelhoff, Executive Director Council Chair
Lauren Atwell, Immediate Past ChairDoug Carlson, Assistant Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Yvonne Bland, At-Large Executive Committee MemberChris Barrett, Chief Operating Officer

NorthEast Region: Connecticut, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Metro D.C.

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Tony Raposo, NE Regional Vice-Chair
Steve D’Angelo, Chapter Representative, Pennsylvania
David Duff, Chapter Representative, Connecticut
Jim Rudolph, Chapter Representative, New Jersey
Gabriel Santos, Chapter Representative, Metro D.C.

SouthEast Region: Carolinas, N. Florida, Central Florida, N.W. Florida, SUCA, S.W. Florida, S. Florida

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Kevin Cripps, SE Regional Vice-Chair
Kirk Blomgren, Chapter Representative, N. Florida
Mike Hewitt, Chapter Representative, Carolinas
Paul Knight, Chapter Representative, South Florida
Kevin McLaughlin, Chapter Representative, SUCA

Central Region: Indiana, Kentucky, Middle Tennessee, E. Tennessee, Central & S.W. Virginia, Ohio

David Howell, Central Regional Vice-Chair
Darren Cleary, Chapter Representative, Mid-Tennessee
David Doggette, Chapter Representative, Kentucky
David Hurst, Chapter Representative, East Tennessee
Tom Lingvai, Chapter Representative, Ohio
Terry St. Clair, Chapter Representative, Central & S.W. Virginia
Kurt Youngs, Chapter Representative, Indiana

MidWest Region: Iowa, Nebraska, Greater Kansas City, N. Dakota, N. Texas, Gulf Coast, San Antonio

Jason Clark, MidWest Regional Vice-Chair
LA Bankler Beck, Chapter Representative, San Antonio
Robert Garner, Chapter Representative, Gulf Coast
Tony Privitera, Chapter Representative, Kansas City
John Rathje, Chapter Representative, Iowa
Brad Wegner, Chapter Representative, Nebraska
Bree Wink, Chapter Representative, N. Texas

West Region: Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Las Vegas, E. Washington & N. Idaho, Washington StateMark

Scoccolo, West Regional Vice-Chair
Kurt Brna, Chapter Representative, Las Vegas
Ben Goddard, Chapter Representative, AZUCA Arizona
Ryan Harada, Chapter Representative, Hawaii
Rick Oliver, Chapter Representative, E. Washington & N. Idaho
Gary Silbernagel, Chapter Representative, Colorado

Central Florida, S.W. Florida, and N.W. Florida did not submit Chapter Representative nominations at this time. Tags: ,

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