NUCA: Congress Fills the WRDA Water Glass Only Halfway in 2020
The chief executive officer of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), Doug Carlson, issued the following statement in reaction to the U.S. House passage of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020:
“There are two takeaways from the House’s passage of the 2020 WRDA. One is that we applaud the House’s passage of this important legislation for the fourth consecutive Congressional session. WRDA legislation traditionally authorizes studies and projects overseen by the Army Corps of Engineers and sets policies for navigation, flood control, hydropower, recreation, water supply and emergency management.
“The other takeaway is that this job is only half-finished. The many Corps of Engineers projects included in this version of WDRA supports deserve funding in FY2021, including a range of projects related flood control, dredging, river locks, shoreline protection and other ecosystem restoration projects. What also deserves funding in 2021 and beyond are the billions in additional funds to the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds, the resources used by other American communities to invest in their own much-needed water infrastructure projects. “
“Those State Revolving Funds were not included in this bill, and our members are disappointed these invaluable resources were not reauthorized or even included in this landmark legislation. NUCA and our members call upon Congress to address this shortfall immediately when it reconvenes in January.”