NUCA Urges Reconsideration of HR 6201 Paid Leave Sections

NUCA has issued an ACTION ALERT to our members to contact your Senator to Improve the Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201) for construction and tell them how critical the impact of this bill will be to small business and our industry. Please contact your Senator immediately as they may be voting on this bill at any moment and our voices need to be heard.

You can find your Senator by clicking here.

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Below is a sample letter that you can copy and paste into an email:

The National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) represents contractors, manufacturers, distributors and associates representing hundreds of thousands of employees who build and maintain a wide range of underground facilities and transportation infrastructure.

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As we’re faced with this national emergency, any legislation should prioritize combatting the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat while focusing on the immediate threat to personal safety and well-being of workers across the country.

As written, HR 6201 requires businesses with 500 and fewer employees to provide more than 10 weeks of paid leave, presume liquidity and a tolerance for debt that simply does not exist in the construction industry. This mandate will restrict health benefits, and as a result, shut down small businesses.

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We urge you to consider the severe impact that small and midsize businesses are facing during this global pandemic and enact policies that will support our businesses and economy through this crisis. Tags: ,

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