NUCA Statement On House Introduction of Permitting Reform Legislation Package


The chief executive officer of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), Doug Carlson, issued the following statement about the introduction by House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee members of five crucial bills clarifying permit review processes by government agencies:

“Fixing the broken permitting process used to build our nation’s infrastructure projects should be a top priority for Congress. Too many of our industry’s projects run into seemingly endless delays caused by uncertain timelines, driving up costs. The reform package introduced by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee majority will streamline the federal permitting process and deliver predictability to a project’s timelines.

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“All of this legislation should lead to a streamlined federal permitting process, which our industry recognizes is in dire need of reform. Without permitting reform, our members won’t be able to meet project timelines and goals derived from recent federal infrastructure investments if Congress does not fix the permitting process.

“NUCA believe that these bills can build the foundation for final legislation that will be satisfactory to all stakeholders and meet the needs of American utility infrastructure.

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“NUCA and our members strongly support House and Senate action on permitting reform legislation and urge passage of a strong and bipartisan permitting reform package as soon as possible.”

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