NUCA Webinar Wednesday: Increasing Productivity with New Technologies

To provide NUCA members expanded educational opportunities, NUCA, under the direction of the Education Committee and Education Chairman Bill Bocchino (Cutler Associates, Tampa, FL), has developed a series of industry-focused webinars. The next webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 3 pm Eastern Time.

The topic is “Increasing Productivity with New Technologies” to be presented by Collin Robinson, Production Management Expert with NUCA Bronze National Partner Cemen Tech.

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Construction is the one of the world economy’s largest sectors but has struggled to develop methods of improved productivity. While other sectors have embraced efficiencies through digital technologies, lean principles and general process innovations, construction continues to lag behind. According to studies from McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), abundant gains are at stake. MGI’s research found that if construction productivity were to catch up with that of the total economy – and it can – the sector’s value added would increase by an estimated $1.6 trillion, adding about 2% to the global economy. Coupled with an increasing labor shortage, companies will inevitably be required to do more with less. In this webinar, NUCA will take a look at the current state of the global construction industry and identify approaches toward better productivity through new product adoption.

Collin Robinson is a Product Management expert overseeing Cemen Tech’s portfolio of concrete technology solutions. He has worked to help introduce volumetric mixers, the Accu-Pour productivity suite and related solutions to state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), engineers and contractors. Robinson has a passion for spending time with customers and prospects to understand problems, and working with cross-functional teams to create innovative solutions for the broader market.

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To register for the webinar, click here.

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