NUCA’s Statement On House Passage of the Moving Forward Act, H.R. 2

The chief executive officer of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), Doug Carlson, issued the following statement in reaction to the U.S. House passage of H.R. 2 and its significant funding increases for infrastructure projects:

“NUCA and the American utility constructions industry applaud the U.S. House for passing a bill that authorizes billions in much-needed funding to construct or renew a wide range of infrastructure projects across the nation. The $40 billion provided especially for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund will be used to repair or build wastewater systems, some of which are over a century old. This bill’s funding levels could help reconstruct dilapidated community water and wastewater systems, and expand a telecommunications infrastructure that is called on more each day to support our economic recovery.

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“Now it is the Senate’s turn to act. NUCA supports the Senate’s $287 billion five-year surface transportation bill and urges its passage as quickly as possible in the full chamber. But both houses of Congress need to pass an infrastructure bill that can be supported by a majority of lawmakers and contain H.R. 2’s bold levels of funding—and they need to pass it quickly to help address our nation’s unemployment and infrastructure demands.”

NUCA’s June 29th letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi detailed the seven sections of H.R. 2 that were strongly supported by the utility construction industry. The letter can be found at

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About The National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA)

Founded in 1964, the National Utility Contractors Association represents nearly 1,700 U.S. utility and excavation contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers who provide the materials and workforce to build and maintain our nation’s intricate network of water, sewer, gas, telecommunications, and electric infrastructure. NUCA is found online at, and can be followed on Twitter at @NUCA_National. The association’s Twitter hashtags are #WeDigAmerica and #NUCAdigs.

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