Nutter Awarded NUCA’s ‘We Dig America’ Award

In recognition of her exemplary support of “Dozer Days,” the innovative program introducing utility construction careers to the Nation’s youth, the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) awarded Renee Nutter our top “We Dig America” award.

“NUCA is honored to present Renee Nutter our top industry award,” said Doug Carlson, NUCA chief executive officer. “Dozer Days provides an unforgettable experience for children, sparking their interest in engineering, construction, and teamwork. Renee has been the driving force behind these exciting events, and her support of our industry and our employees today and for the future has been inspirational. Thank you, Renee, for your kind help and your partnership with our future.”

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Renee Nutter is a passionate advocate for education and community development. As the founder of the Nutter Family Foundation, she is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of children and families. The Nutter Family Foundation was founded by Jerry and Renee Nutter in 2008. To date, the Foundation has given back $2.2 million to the community in support of these unique and enjoyable events. The nonprofit focuses on the needs of children, believing that when children are allowed to develop their talents, society thrives.

Nutter and her sympathetic foundation have partnered in recent years with NUCA of Washington, NUCA of Eastern Washington & North Idaho, NUCA of Middle Tennessee, NUCA of Nebraska, and NUCA of the Greater Kansas City Region, among other industry organizations, to support and promote Dozer Days in their respective areas.

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Dozer Days is a unique experience where kids get up close and personal with construction equipment. Held annually, this event allows children to explore bulldozers, excavators, and other heavy machinery in a safe and educational environment. The event is a fantastic opportunity for kids to learn about the utility construction industry, discover the science behind these powerful machines, and even sit in the driver’s seat.

The “We Dig America” award was presented to Ms. Nutter during the association’s annual Convention & Exhibit on March 23.

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NUCA’s “We Dig America” award was first presented in 1972 to then-Rep. Jim Blatnik of Minnesota. Since then, recipients have included notables such as President Ronald Reagan (1982), Rep. Bud Shuster (1996), Indiana Governor Joseph Kernan (2004), the industry’s renowned Brenda Reigle (2020), and most recently, former House infrastructure committee chairmen Rep. Peter DeFazio (2021) and Rep. Sam Graves (2023).

This award is presented to a non-NUCA member who has made a significant contribution to NUCA and America’s underground utility construction and excavation industry. The achievement must have national impact and the recipient must have national stature, requirements that perfectly fit Renee Nutter and her support of our Nation’s future generations.

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