Put the Squeeze On

Reed 04336_PES4DB

REED offers the best designed tools for stopping flow in ½” up to 8” PE pipe. Utility contractors need reliable, safe tools for working in the ditch. Double bar PE squeeze-off tools provide two pinch points to increase squeeze confidence and yield optimal flow control. New designs remove operator pain points with reduced weight and durable construction.

User input resulted in new features to every REED Double Squeeze™ unit. Hand grooves for lifting, reduced weight, a pipe centering aid, lower-effort squeeze, and grooves to measure release rate are some of these features. Sliding bar handles and swing out bottom bars on these manual squeeze tools make work in tight places easier and more efficient. The sliding handle also increases leverage for tightening the squeeze. Fine pitched ACME thread on the feed screw and a custom ball bearing allow for a consistent, smooth squeeze. Grease fittings at friction points make operation effortless and extend the tool life.

Reed 04336_PES4DB

Some REED squeeze tool models utilize high strength, aircraft grade aluminum bars that are anodized or painted for protection from the elements. All PE squeeze tools use positive stops to prevent damage caused by over-squeezing. Multiple size/SDR settings on one pair of stops provide convenient over-squeeze protection for standard pipe sizes. Plus, users may opt for color-coded stops to make visual stop alignment most obvious. To reduce user frustration, the ASTM squeeze and release rates are also adhered to the tool body, eliminating the need to find the user manual. Utility contractors have complimented the REED Double Squeeze™ for its smooth operation, variety of size options on the stops, and lighter weight.

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