SSC Underground Unveils Re-branding
As the company approaches its 50th anniversary, Specialized Services Company has a new brand identity, logo and tagline. Formerly known as SSC Boring and SSC Global, the new brand – SSC Underground – better reflects the company’s role as an underground construction company.
SSC executives strategized and decided that the new logo, brand and tagline should be composed of elements that best represent the company’s expertise and its ability to grow in all areas of underground construction.
After careful consideration, SSC’s leadership team decided to remove the word “Global” from the brand, but retain the image of the globe in the logo. SSC wanted the new brand clearly identify the company’s core competency: underground construction. The new brand, SSC Underground, better emphasizes this. Although the word “Global” has been removed from the company name, the “globe” image in the logo will continue to represent SSC’s ability and willingness to pursue opportunities internationally, wherever there is a need for our underground construction expertise.
The company tagline was also updated to better reflect SSC’s service offerings. The new tagline: “Design Locate Build” represents SSC’s ability to provide services at each stage of the construction project life cycle.
SSC estimators and constructability consultants are able to assist clients during the design phase of their projects. SSC’s vacuum division is equipped to locate and map utilities, as well as excavate in hard-to-access areas using vacuum excavation equipment.\
SSC’s trenchless division specializes in all methods of trenchless construction, including hand-tunneling, boring, excavating, and the installation of utilities and assets underground.
In the coming weeks, the company will be rebranding electronic and paper documents, websites, equipment and signage. SSC Underground is a registered Class-A General Contractor fully licensed in Arizona, California, and New Mexico.
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