The “PRO Act” Will Delay America’s Recovery


The chief executive officer of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), Doug Carlson, issued the following statement on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee’s July 21 hearing on the “Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act, S. 420)”:

“Consistent with the President’s ‘Build Back Better’ initiative, NUCA members stand ready to do their part in rebuilding a wide range of essential American infrastructure. However, policies such as those required by the PRO Act would be actively harmful to this industry’s efforts to quickly and efficiently rebuild America’s water and wastewater infrastructure.

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“The dramatic changes that would be required by the PRO Act would unquestionably delay the construction of infrastructure needed for effective broadband deployment and harm the ability of Americans to maintain their access to clean water and wastewater systems, jeopardizing public health. This is a bad bill that should be rejected by the Senate.”

RELATED: Utility Contractor Podcast With Doug Carlson

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