TT Technologies Introduces Updated Grundopit Pit Launched Mini Directional Drill

TT Technologies’ redesigned Grundopit pit-launched mini directional drill is well suited for difficult fiber-to-the-home and utility service line installations in tight working conditions. The unit is compact, 54 in. long, 43 in. wide and 57 in. tall. The Grundopit delivers 13,489 lbs of thrust and pull back and 553 ft-lbs of torque with bore length up to 150 ft. The Grundopit is an ideal entry-level system for utilities, cable industries or as a supplement to larger units.

The new unit features a patented instant plug-in lock that holds the drill stem in place. The instant plug-in lock system allows new drill stems to be added easily by engaging the new drill stem at the rotational motor. This means that drill stems are only screwed into the lead stem and not the rotational motor, cutting the time it takes to add a stem in half.

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Components include a two-part bore rig, patented drill stem plug in, 30 drill stems, bore head with angled steering surface, backreamer and swivel coupling, hose package and power pack. Tags:

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