Aries Introduces New Laser Profiler

Aries Industries, a leader in state-of-the-art equipment for inspection and maintenance of underground infrastructure, has introduced the Laser Profiler, a new video inspection solution offering speedy diagnoses of the condition and ovality of pipelines.

Able to analyze pipes from 6 to 96 in., the Laser Profiler connects to Aries Industries’ Pathfinder and Badger transporters to inspect and provide immediate video results. Integrating with a variety of Pipeline Assessment Certification Program software, the device quickly verifies the condition of existing, new or relined pipe.

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The Laser Profiler detects and measures ovality, deflection, debris, and cavities. Joints, offsets and connections are also detected. When used with advanced data gathering PACP software, the Laser Profiler confirms that installation of new pipe meets ovality specifications.

The Laser Profiler’s data reporting options can be customized for descriptive and comparative needs. Powered by the transporter’s energy source, the device requires no skids and only one manhole access. Its LED lighting can be adjusted for video imaging, with a controllable iris to optimize image brightness.

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“We are extremely proud to introduce the Laser Profiler, which was designed and built by Aries to advance our customers’ video inspection abilities and provide near-instant data on underground pipeline conditions,” said Larry Brown, President and CEO of Aries Industries. “This product integrates with a variety of PACP software, and calibrates to accurately profile a tremendous range of pipe sizes. Its design reflects our commitment to products that offer ease of use, and robust data collection.”

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