Business Recovery Information at
The coronavirus emergency has affected every industry business, if not through state-mandated shelter-at-home orders, then through the massive economic waves crashing throughout our nation.
NUCA recognized early that rapid distribution of information was going to play a key part in getting our member’s businesses back on their feet. Our initial work to help members write a flu pandemic plan for their businesses quickly led to several new webpages being posted on
These pages included links to government COVID-19 resources from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, OSHA, and the Small Business Administration. Our new Toolbox Talks on COVID-19 (in English and Spanish) was posted on these pages as a resource. NUCA members such as Lytx and HUB International also gathered information resources on their own websites, so NUCA’s web team included links to these pages and many others on our own “Business Resources” webpage ( . There is so much good information out there on general construction, insurance, tax changes, labor and employment topics being posted by experts for free that NUCA knew creating a one-stop webpage would be extremely helpful to our small- and medium-sized member businesses.
As this unusual national emergency changed from the initial public health crisis phase to the business recovery phase, NUCA collected as many public resources as it could find on our new “Business Recovery” webpage ( Prominently posted was information about and direct links to the two predominant Small Business Administration loan programs. Other valuable information about loan programs collected by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, state governments, and construction industry publications was posted here for NUCA members’ use. We hope you made full use of all this information over the last two months and in the months ahead.
Your NUCA membership is more than just two fine association magazines. It also includes relevant and timely information gathered by the association’s business experts and made available via the Internet so you can apply it 24/7 to your own business operations. Make the most of your membership dues—and if you are not a NUCA member, perhaps it’s time for your business to join the association that looks out for those in our industry.
This article was written by Robert Baylor, NUCA Communications Director.
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