‘Career Skills Event’ at ICUEE 2019 Connects Students to Industry Jobs

Over the next few years, 20 million skilled employees will retire. To help address worker shortages, ICUEE 2019-The Demo Expo will host a special careers day at the show for hundreds of high school students to see the many rewarding industry careers available.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), show owner and producer, has partnered with Bridging America’s Gap to bring the organization’s Career Skills Event to the show on closing day, October 3.

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ICUEE, the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition will take place Oct. 1-3, 2019 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Ky. ICUEE is the largest and leading event for utilities and utility and construction contractors seeking comprehensive insights into the latest industry technologies, innovations and trends.

“We work diligently to bring together young people and educators with employers to help build a long-term entry-level employee pipeline,” said V. Brett Melvin, founder and executive director of Bridging America’s Gap. “This first-hand look will be a real treat and a rare opportunity for any young person to see the multitude of career opportunities available to them in the skilled trades.”

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“AEM is excited to work with Bridging America’s Gap, and ICUEE and our exhibitors are looking forward to meeting our student attendees and showing them how rewarding an industry career can be,” said Julie Davis, AEM’s director of workforce development. “AEM has worked for many years to help strengthen and expand tomorrow’s industry workforce, and we are dedicated to helping our members, exhibitors and industry segments attract and retain talent.”

During the Career Skills Event at ICUEE 2019, student groups will rotate between half a dozen learning stations, including simulators, for a hands-on look at skilled trade career opportunities.

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Industry professionals will also share their personal experiences on how they got involved and what they love about their careers.

ICUEE comes once every two years and is known as The Demo Expo for its equipment test drives and interactive product demonstrations. Learn more and register at www.icuee.com.

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Learn more about Bridging America’s Gap at https://www.bridgingamericasgap.org/career-skills-events/. Tags:

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