Case Donates More than 3,000 Die-Cast Models to Toys for Tots
Case Construction Equipment shipped more than 3,000 die-castconstruction machine models to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation,following the recent destruction of the organization’s toy warehouse inDover, N.J., during Superstorm Sandy. The detailed scale models of Caseearthmoving machines, such as wheel loaders, skid steers and backhoeloaders, were among the toys distributed this holiday season to childrenof families in need.
“We are pleased to help bring some small measure of happiness tochildren and families who have suffered so much because of thedevastating storm,” said Jim Hasler, Vice President, CNH ConstructionEquipment.
The company encourages others to contact the Marine Toys for TotsFoundation at to learn about opportunities fordonating to the organization.For more information about Case, visit