Cleary Construction Awarded Industry “Top Jobs” Award

The National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) proudly awarded Cleary Construction of Thompkinsville, Kentucky, its Overall Top Jobs award for its underground sanitary sewer project constructed for the Bowling Green Municipal Utilities.

Veterans Memorial Force Main

“NUCA’s Top Jobs award is the top recognition by members of an industry known for its complex construction projects,” said Doug Carlson, NUCA Chief Executive Officer. “Cleary Construction’s excellence in construction for the Bowling Green utility system was recognized by our members who build their own difficult projects as a unique challenge this NUCA member company and their employees overcame.”

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The project, titled the “Veterans Memorial Force Main Project,” located in Bowling Green, Kentucky, consisted of excavating or tunneling to place 30,000 linear feet of 24-in. pipe, 2,000 linear feet of 16-in. pipe, 1,500 linear feet of 36-in. and 30-in. pipe, and various vaults and system tie-ins. The sanitary sewer project also required an oxygen injection system to be constructed by Cleary.

The company worked diligently for over a year excavating underneath roads, city streets, highways, streams, railroad right-of-way, fields, and local business fronts. Much of the underground work consisted of removing or tunneling through solid limestone, posing a challenge to Cleary and its subcontractors.

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The company’s investment in a massive T1460 Trencor rock trencher used for 30,000 linear feet of the project avoided the need to use explosives for blasting the rock apart. And for other sections, the company and subcontractors used modern high-tech trenchless tunnelling equipment for highway, railroad, and stream crossings. Jack and bore tunneling methods were used throughout the work.

The project also faced weather conditions affecting the delivery schedule, as 2020 was a wetter-than-average year in the region. Cleary through their careful planning, attention to safety, and use of the right equipment met their project deadlines with room to spare.

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The “Overall Top Jobs” award is presented annually to a NUCA contractor member who submits an application highlighting a project in one of 10 categories. NUCA’s Top Jobs competition recognizes challenging, innovative, or unique projects completed with excellent results. Attendees at the NUCA annual Convention select by ballot their top choices in each category, and the final Overall Top Jobs winner after the first round of category winners is chosen.

The 2021 award was personally presented to Cleary Construction executives by NUCA leadership at the association’s Annual Meeting held in March of this year in San Antonio, Texas.

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