Climbing Out of Recession Canyon?

NUCA welcomes you to its 2013 Convention in beautiful Phoenix! Since 1964, the associationhas helped CEOs, owners, presidents, senior executives, safety directors, estimators andmanagers run their businesses better. This year’s Convention, held Feb. 10-14, is designed to helpthe industry tackle its challenges as we climb out of “Recession Canyon.”

Three highly engaging keynote speakers will share their insights and advice on overcomingobstacles — especially in trying times. Former Southwest Airlines’ CEO Howard Putnam flippedthe airline industry on its head and tripled profits. He will speak about leadership, ethics and somuch more. Outspoken columnist Gene Marks, a frequent guest on Fox Business, MSNBC andCNBC and a writer for Forbes and The New York Times, describes how changes in the economywill affect business and how to prepare for the future. And Cliff Meidl, a victim of an unmarkedutility accident who went on to become a two-time Olympic champion, will speak about thepassion to serve, inspire and help others — especially those overcoming significant challenges.Each morning begins with a visit with NUCA’s National Partners, the convention’s exclusiveexhibitors, who are ready to talk with contractors about new products, services and techniques.Please see pages 15-19 for more information on these companies.

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The convention boasts plenty of learning opportunities to broaden your business horizons.Bootcamps and Forums on Feb. 11 and 12 will discuss pipe bursting, shale play and survivingthe recovery. Wednesday, Feb. 13, features 27 timely, succinct and relevant 15-minute case studypresentations on hot industry topics. Topics include technology, sewer bypass pumping, mobileapps and telematics and microtunneling, to name a few. Two 90-minute, executive-level ProfitPipeline Roundtable sessions on Feb. 12 and 14 bring together construction company owners andsenior managers to discuss revenue-enhancing ideas in a non-competitive atmosphere.

Speaking about the popular Contractor Profit Pipeline Roundtables — a special feature of theConvention — Kari Biernacki, Vice President of AUI Inc., said, “Regardless of company size orlocation in the United States, our industry contractors face the same operational concerns, suchas regulatory compliance, maintaining backlog in a tough economy, retaining good employees,technological advances, increasing costs of employee benefits, etc. I have found the [NUCAConvention] group discussions about these and other topics to be relevant and enlightening.”

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Associate members can hear a talk by Fishel’s Fred Ingersoll on Generational Differences inWorkforce Development.

Convention 2013 attendees are welcome to attend meetings and networking events all week.Please see page 19 for a list of events or your program booklet for a complete schedule with times.On behalf of the NUCA staff, we’re thrilled to have you here and we hope you enjoy the show!

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