NUCA of KY Donates $28,250 for Flood Relief

Pictured Left to Right: Shawn Martin – Vice President; Adam Terry – President; Greg Conn — Knott County Schools Assistant Superintendent & Finance Director, Brent Hoover — Knott County Schools Superintendent, David Doggette — President-Elect.

As many people will recall, in July 2022 Eastern Kentucky was affected by historic flooding that caused catastrophic damage and devastation to the area. After Governor Andy Beshear declared a State of Emergency, the NUCA of Kentucky Board of Directors and members convened and started a relief fund so that we could give back to those communities in need.

With the generosity and assistance from members, individuals and other NUCA Chapters nationwide, the Kentucky Chapter was able to present the Knott County School System with a check in the amount of $28,250. Accepting the check on their behalf were Superintendent Brent Hoover, who is a lifelong resident of Knott County, and Assistant Superintendent and Finance Director Greg Conn.

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It was discussed that the funds will be spent on providing students and staff with high-quality curriculum resources for reading and math to replace those that had been destroyed. NUCA of KY wants to thank everyone who contributed to its efforts in helping the region of Eastern Kentucky regain some of what was lost in this natural disaster.

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