Get Engaged

Ryan Kinning

By Ryan Kinning

My tenure as Chairman of NUCA has brought me all over the country for meetings and events, not just for our national association but for our Chapters as well. Over the last year, I have met members from every corner of our industry. I have met Chapter leadership, contractors involved in every aspect of utility and excavation construction, and associates that provide everything from the heavy equipment we use daily to the software we rely on to run our businesses.

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One thing has been consistent at every stop I have made: Our members love what they do, and they love the industry they are in. They also love this association and want to do everything they can to make it succeed. I appreciate the support of NUCA that I have seen over the past nine months. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard the question “Is there anything I/we can do to help?”.

You might recall that my focus for this year was on membership growth and how member engagement plays a vital role in that. The answer to that question is: Getting engaged with NUCA is what you can do.

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Your involvement could come in several different forms. If you have a Chapter, check out your committees. There is likely a committee to fit your interests. If you enjoy that experience, then leadership on your Board of Directors could be a logical next step. Attend Chapter events and support your Chapter with sponsorship opportunities. Your Chapter needs your help, and if everyone chips in then it doesn’t take much time to run an effective NUCA Chapter.

If you don’t have a Chapter in your area or if you want to step up your support for NUCA, you can check out our committees at the National level. We need participation just like chapters do. Recent changes to our Board of Directors structure allows every Chapter to have a member on the NUCA Board. Regional Vice Chair positions are a great way to see if National leadership is for you. And obviously the ultimate form of National engagement is to serve as an officer. Not ready to jump in that deep? Come see us at an event. Extend your 2023 CONEXPO trip an extra day and come to our evening banquet on March 13 in Las Vegas.

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There are several ways to get engaged in our great association. The question is just how far do you want to go? Make that call today. Volunteer your time to help us represent this great industry and make a difference, both locally and nationally. You will get more out of NUCA than you put in.

Sincerely yours,
Ryan Kinning, NUCA Chairman of the Board / Penro Construction Company

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