Ground Penetrating Radar Systems Acquires Master Locators

Ground Penetrating Radar Systems LLC (GPRS) has acquired Master Locators‘ utility locating business, a leading provider of private utility locating, concrete scanning, vacuum excavation, SUE and video pipe inspection services. Master Locators’ clients include utilities, engineering firms, and contractors who rely on its services to identify and map the presence of subsurface structures using ground penetrating radar and other locating techniques. Master Locators represents the fourth acquisition for GPRS.

“This is a terrific opportunity for us,” said Gus Sareyka, President of Master Locators. “The new partnership gives us additional capital and resources, enabling us to better serve our customers and support our growth.”

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Kyle Sareyka, Chief Operating Officer of Master Locators, added, “GPRS is the market leader in the private locating industry and we are excited to partner with Matt Aston and his team to continue to extend GPRS’ leadership position.” Sareyka will join GPRS as the Regional Director of the company’s Northeast Region. Master Locators’ Vacuum Excavation business will form a new company Level A Underground Solutions that will continue to service its existing customers and work closely with GPRS to provide a full suite of subsurface utility engineering solutions.

Master Locators enhances GPRS’ market position in the private utility locating, concrete scanning, and video pipe inspection markets by adding scale to GPRS’ existing business in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Maryland, and Connecticut.

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“Master Locators represents a highly complementary acquisition for GPRS that enhances our market position in several rapidly growing regions,” said Matt Aston, President of GPRS. “Master Locators operates with strong core values around humility, integrity and passion. We are excited to collaborate with Master Locators’ management team to better serve our customers’ current and future needs.”

RELATED: Utility Locator Market Expected To Reach $7.5 B By 2023

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