HCSS Unveils Time Card App for Smartphones

HCSSThanks to a new app from HCSS, recording employee time cards just got easier. The construction software developer has added a mobile phone time card to its selection of mobile apps available for smartphones and tablets. From the makers of HeavyBid construction estimating software and HeavyJob field management software, the mobile phone time card app allows foremen and superintendents in the field to enter time and see job production data on their “always on, always close-by” smartphone.

With the HeavyJob mobile phone time card app, foremen and superintendents can enter time for workers and equipment, enter quantities and write notes for cost codes, as well as mark work for T&M. The time card app is ideal for individuals or small crews like truck drivers or flagging crews who may not be issued a laptop, and also for larger crews who may prefer a mobile device to laptops.

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“We understand that many crews work in remote locations where cell service may not exist,” said HCSS Vice President of Software Development Tom Webb. “We want crews to be productive wherever they are. The HeavyJob time card app will still work in remote areas and it will store any entered data until the device is back in cellular coverage or a Wi-Fi network.”

The time card app is just one of many mobile apps offered as supplements to HCSS HeavyJob and HeavyBid. Those include a photo app, which allows field employees to snap jobsite photos and send them immediately to the office; a daily diary entry app; and an estimating app used to cost estimate, perform markup and pricing and even collect signatures on the go.

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With the mobile platforms, contractors are not limited to working on a single device.

“A foreman may begin entering his time card from a laptop in his truck, add quantities or take photos while standing at the site from his phone or tablet, while the project manager reviews job information back at an office desktop,” said Webb. “This will allow companies to take a ‘right device, right person’ approach.”
For more information on HCSS mobile apps, visit www.hcss.com/apps.

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