Make NUCA Yours

Tom Butler

Over the last 12 years of being involved in NUCA I have met many NUCA members. But for those members who I have not yet met, I’m Tom Butler, NUCA’s new chairman for the next twelve months. Many of you know me from my time on the NUCA Government Affairs Committee, and from seeing you at Washington Summit.

It’s my turn to build NUCA — and I am looking to all of you to help me achieve that goal.

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This year, we’re going to Make NUCA Yours. But what does that mean?

It means you’ll get more out of NUCA by putting more into NUCA. That starts by recognizing your own passion for NUCA and our industry.

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I can tell you what my passion has been: NUCA’s advocacy program. I’ve led NUCA’s government affairs committee since 2017. During my time I’ve helped this industry achieve something it’s never had before: hundreds of billions of dollars allocated by Congress to improving this nation’s water and wastewater infrastructure.

Find the thing withn NUCA about which you feel passionate, then participate in it as fully as you can. Check out our committees that sound interesting to you. When you find the committee you like, keep attending, keep sharing your thoughts and ideas. Become involved in its leadership, too. I started with the Government Affairs Committee and look where it took me!

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If you’re new to the association, or simply interested in a topic but you think you need training to participate, please know this: NUCA’s experts will get you up to speed. All we ask is that you demonstrate a sincere interest and ongoing engagement in what you want to do. Show us your passion, and we’ll make you the leader we know exists inside you.

Making NUCA Yours also means you involve yourself and others in your local Chapter and your local business community. NUCA is much easier to sell when those who should be buying discover our association’s advantages from our current members.

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You know the most successful companies are also run by men and women who deliver more than the minimum. Making NUCA Yours in 2023 can be a direct path towards your increased engagement with your peers. Reaching out to just one or two related local industry company executives this year has the potential to boost your own business opportunities and this association.

Engaging and involving your business in your Chapter activities and your community always pays dividends to your operations. It strengthens your Chapter and NUCA when you make the most of your membership.

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“Make NUCA Yours.” There is so much for our members at NUCA to take advantage of to improve their businesses and find the success each one deserves.

It’s going to be a great year ahead, and I want every NUCA member to be a part of it.

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Sincerely yours,

Thomas P. Butler
NUCA Chairman of the Board / Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors, Inc. Tags: ,

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