NUCA news – NUCA New Mexico Reaches Out to Student
When Brennen Tuttle, a middle school student in New Mexico, was struggling for a unique idea for a science project, family friend Carlos Spiess (Sundance Mechanical Utility) remembered the middle school project NUCA of New Mexico had done for the anniversary of the Clean Water Act.
Chapter Executive Director Jane Jernigan still had a few of those old testing kits and passed one along to Brennen to use for his science project. He not only received an A on his project but, with the encouragement of his teacher, entered his project into the school’s science fair. He won first place in the chemistry category and will attend the regional competition at the University of New Mexico this month.
Brennen sent a thank you note to NUCA of NM for providing the kit that said, “I learned a lot about our water’s ecosystem and my classmates all had questions and wanted to know about the test and where I got it … if it wasn’t for NUCA making the Water Testing Kit, I don’t think I would have won the contest.”
Nice job Brennen. We just gave you the tools, you made the winning project. Good luck at regionals!