NUCA of Ohio Holds Government Relations Event
NUCA of Ohio held successful meetings at the Ohio Statehouse on Oct. 11th. Members had the chance to meet with six local representatives and senators. NUCA of Ohio was joined by many advocates for the issues that were discussed.
The first topic was the lack of laws to protect workers when they are on local and municipal roadways. Tara Rubright with W.D. Wright Contracting. Inc was the expert on this topic who helped bring to light the changes that need to be made. Below is the language that was brought before lawmakers.
The purpose of Temporary Traffic Control is to provide workers with a safe environment to conduct their scope of work and prevent drivers from colliding with oncoming traffic. Flaggers manage traffic in a work zone and notify drivers when it is safe to proceed through an active work zone. Far too many drivers choose to ignore work zone signage and flagger commands, which can lead to serious injuries and/or fatalities.
Our proposed Bill will hold violators responsible for disregarding Flaggers and speeding through Temporary Traffic Control Work Zones on Local and Municipal roadways.
The Bill’s language includes a requirement of law enforcement to investigate infractions corroborated by: (1) no less than two witnesses OR (2) body, dash, or roadside cameras.
The second topic of discussion revolved around changes in Ohio Utility Protection Service (OUPS) Dig laws that will be presented within the year to be changed. Advocating on behalf of NUCA of Ohio were Greg First and Greg Bennett of the Ohio Damage Preventions Coalition, and Chuck Green of OUPS.
The language, which is in the process of being approved by the coalition, is listed below. But, the best part of the changes is that the coalition, which includes all industries that these changes affect, have worked together to make sure these changes work for everyone. The coalition’s main goal is to work together to ensure our industry is protected on all sides and works efficiently.
Two Working Days Not Including the Day of Notification: Co-Chairs Joel Johnson and Johnny Henson report out on the meetings of this subcommittee. The subcommittee has proposed language involving changes to ORC 3781.28 Excavator Notifying Protection Service or Pipeline Owner:
(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (C), (D), (E), and (F) of this section, at least forty-eight hours but not more than ten working days before commencing excavation, the excavator shall notify a protection service of the location of the excavation site and the date on which excavation is planned to commence.
(A) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (C), (D), (E), and (F) of this section, the excavator shall notify a the protection service of the location of the excavation site and the date on which excavation is planned to commence,
hourstwo working days, as defined by 3781.25 (F), beginning at 12:01 a.m. the next working day afterexcluding the daythe notification is generatednotice is given, but not more thanten working days beforesixteen calendar days before commencing excavation.
 NUCA of Ohio thanks all who made this a successful day!