Registration Open for 2020 NUCA Washington Summit
Registration for the 2020 NUCA Washington Summit is now open at The event will be held May 19-21, 2020, in Washington, D.C.
The purpose of the Summit is for NUCA members to meet with legislators to ensure that they understand the important role that the utility construction industry plays in keeping the country healthy, clean, and prosperous.
By attending the Summit, you have the chance to share your stories to persuade Congress that they must act to improve our nation’s underground infrastructure. Only you can deliver your personal expertise to your lawmaker’s offices–they need to hear about your experiences. Those personal stories persuade lawmakers, especially when you are their constituent.
“Infrastructure has been a hot topic in Congress, but we cannot leave it up to our legislators—WE are the experts! Our active involvement in the process will help us push the best legislation forward with adequate funding. This is no small task. Join us in Washington, DC, to ensure our collective voice is heard,” said Tom Butler, Burgess Civil LLC and NUCA Government Relations Committee Chair.
2020 NUCA Washington Summit Highlights
- Hill Visits (May 20) – Discuss What Matters to You with Your Senators and Representatives
- Federal Issues Conference – Presentations from Washington Insiders and Experts
- Legislative Briefing – An In-Depth Look at the key (our) Issues Before Congress
- Congressional Reception – With Members of Congress and Staff in a Fun and Casual Setting
- Evening Event In our Historic Nation’s Capital
RELATED: NUCA Members Attend 2019 Washington Summit
Tags: NUCA, Washington Summit