UCAC Scholarship Auction Set for Nov. 6
The Utility Contractors Association of Connecticut (UCAC) is holding its annual scholarship auction at Saint Clement’s Castle in Portland, Connecticut, on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 5 to 9 pm. The UCAC auction dates back to the 1970s. This year’s event is a special celebration for friends, family and all involved as the group marks 50 years.
David Duff, UCAC president, has made it his mission to reorganize and revamp the scholarship program during his two-year term,
with a special focus on helping students interested in trade careers. UCAC’s new and improved scholarship assistance aims to help a broader selection of students interested in trades rather than only focusing on traditional college education. The new program will be announced by the new year.
Tom Pesce, nationally known illusionist, is the scholarship auctioneer and entertainer for the much anticipated night. The evening’s lineup includes a silent auction, a live auction and fun raffles. Attendees will also be treated to a delicious dinner buffet, full service bar, a wine pull
and a dessert buffet. The evening will have a vineyard theme.
The annual auction, of course, could not take place without UCAC’s sponsors. Without help from sponsoring companies and individuals, young adults aspiring to join the trade who may not have adequate financial support, might opt for a different path. Anyone interested in supporting the UCAC Scholarship Fund can visit www.ucac.pro/scholarship auction. There are many ways to support this very worthwhile cause including ticket and table purchases, item donations and sponsorships. All are welcome at the event with tickets and sponsorships on
sale now through Oct. 22.