NUCA Statement On House USDOT Appropriations Bill

Utility Contractor Association Decries Massive Cuts To Promised Infrastructure Resources


The chief executive officer of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), Doug Carlson, issued the following statement on the House Appropriations subcommittee markup of the FY2024 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) bill:

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“Cutting infrastructure spending is bad policy. These projects are the foundation for building a healthy, vibrant, and efficient economy. The massive cuts suggested in the House’s DOT appropriations bill to several competitive grant programs are counter-productive to supporting America’s communities and the national economy.

“NUCA remains very concerned that Congress will not fund several critical infrastructure programs that have yet to receive any funds from the 2021 infrastructure bill. These include several small programs for highway infrastructure construction, which now appear to be only reserved for limited earmarks. Our national highways earned only a ‘D’ from the most recent ASCE infrastructure report card, signifying these systems need more resources to be upgraded to at least average, or a ‘C’.

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“Americans use these infrastructure systems every day and note that they aren’t what they expect from a developed nation. Congress is seeking to cut the very programs that sustain and support our $23.3 trillion national GDP. NUCA urges the House appropriations committee to restore the resources promised to the American people in 2021 to upgrade and repair our nation’s vital transportation infrastructure.”

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