Donate to NUCA’s Annual Auction!

NUCA’s 2019 Convention and Exhibit

John Deere’s Andy Williams started off the 2019 Auction asking fellow members to dig deep for their organization.

NUCA’s Annual Auction is a high point of its convention each year, raising money to develop new educational programs and advocacy through our tax deductible 501c3, The Foundation for Education and Research. Your help is required to allow NUCA to anticipate and address the many issues that affect your business today and into the future. If you plan to attend or not, the industry is counting on you to contribute.

What types of donations is NUCA seeking?

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  • Cash (to purchase auction items)
  • Business-related items (equipment rentals or credits, software, materials, supplies, services)
  • Fun and unique items (toys, artwork, sporting goods, games, equipment models, jewelry, food, gadgets, memorabilia, signed prints or jerseys, or fun trips – to offer a few ideas!)

We are excited to have our good friends and sponsor for the evening, John Deere, on hand in Tucson to welcome you to the annual Awards Gala and Live Auction on Saturday February 29, 2020 from 6:30pm-10:00pm.

To donate please go here to submit your donation and click Live or Silent Auction to the right.

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For more information or if you have any questions on this year’s program or what and how to donate, please contact Cheryl Stratos at 703-890-7808 or via e-mail here. To register for  the convention, click here. Tags:

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