June Is National Safety Month
The National Safety Council (NSC) has designated June as National Safety Month. The NSC, along with thousands of safety-minded organizations across the country, observe National Safety Month every June to raise awareness of what it takes to make sure “No 1 Gets Hurt.” Throughout the month, the NSC will provide materials focused on emergency preparedness, wellness, falls and driving.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5,190 people—more than 14 a day—died while doing their jobs in 2016. That’s just one reason the NSC is asking everyone to think of one change they can make to improve safety this June. Working together, the NSC and concerned organizations will launch a comprehensive public education campaign aimed at reducing the needless deaths. Throughout the month, topics will cover not only safety tips that can be utilized at work, but tips and information that can improve safety practices for families at home and at play as well.
“The NSC’s campaign doesn’t cover safety in the underground construction industry,” said John Lamerton, Director of Product Management for Subsite Electronics, a Charles Machine Works Company. “But we fully support the NSC’s efforts. Our company is a pioneer in technology designed to help keep workers safe. Our Underground Awareness solutions provide information that is absolutely vital to jobsite safety. And we applaud any efforts to spread a safety message, no matter what industry.”
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