NUCA 2020 Convention & Exhibit Recap

NUCA members from all corners of the nation gathered in the relaxing desert community of Tucson, Arizona for three days of events, networking, awards and recognition, and a great time. The Loews Ventana Canyon Resort hosted our 2020 Convention & Exhibit between Feb. 26 and Feb. 29.

Enjoy the following Convention photos! You can see more photos (and download them) for free at

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NUCA Golf Tournament

The return of the NUCA Golf Tournament, this year dubbed the “CEO Bobble Head Open,” featured the resort’s fantastic golf courses as members raised money for NUCA’s scholarship program.

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NUCA 2020 convention exhibits

Our 56 exhibitors included National Partners who know the value of displaying their latest technologies to the utility construction industry’s decision makers. We also had a number of new members who found their first-time at the NUCA annual exhibit to be very worthwhile in gaining new leads and product orders. This year’s Exhibit Hall Reception also saw the presentation of the Chapter Merit Awards.

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NUCA Convention 2020 welcome reception

Kicking off the 2020 events was the first night’s reception at the resort’s outdoor Kiva Patio. The breathtaking view of the Catalina Mountains looming grandly behind our members set the scene for drinks and appetizers with old and new friends.

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NUCA Convention 2020 team building

Our team building event was as promised: a lot of fun! Teams worked together to build a miniature covered wagon painted with their team’s slogan. Once constructed by our industry experts in some semblance of completion, they paraded around the outdoor Coyote Corral. Most remained intact, and one wagon took the top prize. Everyone who participated walked away unscathed and were glad they participated.

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NUCA Convention 2020 keynote

Our keynote speaker was the entertaining and thought-provoking Ben Nemtin. His expressive story of searching for the ways to achieve his own personal goals, and making the impossible possible, reached each of us listening to his lively presentation.

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NUCA Convention 2020 gala

The Gala Dinner and live auction this year were packed with excitement! Besides a great dinner, our guests congratulated the association’s Award of Excellence winners and witnessed the transition of leadership ceremony. New Chairman Fred Chesney gave his inaugural speech, and those who bid on auction items helped fund the association’s programs. Thanks to everyone who placed a bid and helped NUCA’s future.

NUCA Convention 2020 speakers

Utility Construction Economic Forecast: Mark Bridgers (left), one of the most sought-after industry economic experts, returned once again to NUCA’s convention to discuss and analyze the important changes ahead for the utility construction industry in 2020.

Mastering Succession: Jake Appelman (middle), discusses key best practices to manage an effective succession plan.

CGA Discussion: Sarah Magruder Lyle (right), leads this overview and discussion about the Common Ground Alliance, its function, and importance.

NUCA Convention 2020 leadership

The reins of Chairman of the Board are passed from Immediate Past-Chairman Dan Buckley to newly appointed Chairman Fred Chesney.

NUCA Convention 2020 new chapter

In nearly record time, NUCA East Tennessee is chartered as the newest NUCA chapter.

NUCA Convention 2020 awards

NUCA’s fifth annual Top Jobs Awards were presented during the 2020 Convention. The awards recognize outstanding member projects that went above and beyond, and overcame unique challenges on their jobsites or project details.

NUCA Top Jobs awards: Midwest Mole

Overall Winner: Midwest Mole: Ori Emergency Rehab Project

Trenchless Technologies: Midwest Mole, Ori Emergency Rehab Project

NUCA Top Jobs Gas Distribution

Gas Distribution: Team Construction LLC, Wilson Pike 12”

NUCA Top JobsExcavation/Site Development

Excavation/Site Development: Scott Contracting, Inc., Gold Creek Valley Filings 2 & 3

NUCA Top Jobs Water Distribution

Water Distribution: Pate Construction, Water Main Replacement Ahead of Paving

NUCA Top Jobs Water or Sewage Treatment

Water or Sewage Treatment: Anchor Construction, 17th & D Street Emergency

NUCA Convention 2020 roundtablesThis year’s Executive Roundtables focused on three important subjects: “Improving Worker Protection in the Trenches,” “Increasing and Monitoring Productivity in Utility Construction,” and “Effectively Implementing and Utilizing New Technologies in Construction.”

NUCA Convention 2020 chapter baskets and silent auction

Chapter EDs and member companies both pitched and donated items to help raise money for NUCA’s Chapter Baskets & Silent Auction. Tags: ,

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