Nuca Chairman’s Message

Chairmen As we embark upon the New Year, we can all ask ourselves if we are going to travel through 2013 the same way we did 2012, or if we are going to try and make this a better year than the last. This doesn’t mean that we are necessarily doing anything wrong, but what it does mean is that we can always look for ways to improve at the things that are important to us. I recently read a book that studied high achieving performers. One of the terms repeatedly used to describe a common trait of high achieving individuals is “deliberate practice.” Successful individuals are proven, not to be more talented than their counterparts, but rather they typically engage in a specific type of practice called “deliberate practice.”

A good example of this is NFL all-time leading receiver Jerry Rice. Rice was famous for a rigorous and unique training program that was not duplicated by any of his peers. Rice dedicated extensively more time preparing and practicing compared to the time actually playing in a game. From his childhood to the time he retired at 42, he repeatedly practiced the difficult yet specific things that made him better than any other receiver in NFL history. This book cites one example after the next of this type of “deliberate practice” leading to superior performance by high achieving individuals.

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What are the things that you can do to improve “deliberate practice” and, in turn, your performance? How will you spend your time in the upcoming year to improve the things that are important to you? Obviously football was very important to Jerry Rice, that’s why he dedicated the incredible amount of time and effort into his craft. What is your “football?” Is it your business or your job? Maybe it’s your role as a family member or your role in your church. What can you do to be better in the activity or improve the thing that is most important to you?

A great opportunity for NUCA members to improve their knowledge and skill set this year is attending the 2013 NUCA Convention in Phoenix. NUCA has continued to increase and improve the amount of take home value of its conventions year after year. This year is no exception. This convention will have keynote speakers, profit pipeline roundtables, market segment forums and plenty of networking opportunities. This year, there are even more value-added activities. For the first time, the NUCA Convention will have case study presentations, boot camps and special study presentations. (For more information, head on over to page 35.)

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The case study presentations are 27 brief and informative 15-minute presentations about all the hot topics of the day. The boot camps are longer and provide more detail about opportunities in emerging markets, such as pipe bursting and the shale industry. Special presentations are additional topics that are more focused on improving your existing business.

If you are in the utility and excavation industry and you want to engage in “deliberate practice” to improve your knowledge of the industry or make your business better, the place to be is in Phoenix from Feb. 10-14. One thing is for sure, if you don’t attend, you better hope your competition doesn’t.

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Have a great New Year!
Ryan Schmitt
NUCA Chairman of the Board



Chairman of the Board Ryan Schmitt — Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors, FL

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Chairman-Elect of the Board Florentino Gregorio — Anchor Construction Corp., D.C.

Vice Chairman of the Board Ronald T. Nunes — R.T. Nunes & Sons Inc., R.I.

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Treasurer Bruce Wendorf — Forsberg Construction Inc., FL

Secretary Jeff Rumer — Underground InfrastructureTechnologies LLC, CO

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Immediate Past Chairman of the Board Dan East — Reynolds Southwest Inc. N.M.

Asst. Secretary and CEO Bill Hillman —


Board of Directors

Kari Biernacki, N.M.
Jason Clark, IA
Kevin Cripps, NC
Rick Davis, CO
Mike Donatelli, R.I.
Glenn Ely, PA
Mark Fuglevand, WA
Kara Habrock, NE
Dan Hernandez, AZ
Bill Martinak, OR
Chad Reed, DE
Mark Scoccolo, WA
Clay Sorey, FL
Kurt Youngs, IN

Roger B. Mohr, IL
Helen Prince, TX



Chief Executive Officer Bill Hillman —

Vice President of Marketing and CommunicationsBonnie J. Williams —

Benjamin Media

Publishing Team

Publisher Robert D. Krzys —
Direct: 330.315.2061

Managing Editor Keith Gribbins —
Direct: 330.315.2197

Associate Editor Pam Kleineke ­­­—
Direct: 330.315.2198

Graphic Designer Elizabeth C. Stull —

Marketing Director Kelly Dadich —
Direct: 330.315.2056

Regional Sales Manager Ryan Sneltzer —
Direct: 330.315.2114

Audience Development Manager Alexis R. White —

January 2013 Volume 37, Number 1, Utility Contractor (ISSN 1098-0342) is published monthly for the National Utility Contractors Association by Benjamin Media Inc., 10050 Brecksville Rd., Brecksville, OH 44141. Periodicals postage paid at Peninsula, OH and additional office. One year subscription rates: Complimentary in the USA & Canada and $99 in foreign countries. Single copy rate: $10.00. ©2012 NUCA. All rights reserved by the National Utility Contractors Association for articles contained herein except where otherwise noted. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.

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