PPI Places $200 Bounty on Old Exhumed HDPE Conduit

The Power & Communications Division (PCD) of the Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) is offering a $200 bounty for exhumed high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conduit as part of an ongoing research project to demonstrate the longevity of HDPE conduit. The reward will go to the samples that are selected for testing. PPI is the major trade association representing all segments of the plastic pipe industry.

“Perhaps your conduit is being removed due to replacement, re-routing, or any other reason,” stated Patrick Vibien, P, Eng., director of engineering for the PCD. “Specifically, we are seeking samples of HDPE conduit that have been in service for 15 years or longer. This conduit could have been buried in the ground carrying power cables of any voltage, telecommunications lines or fiber-optics. The conduit print line will indicate the year of manufacture. Any diameter or SDR is useful and a length of 8 to 20 feet is sufficient. HDPE conduit is flexible, available in long lengths and in various colors – not to be confused with rigid PVC conduit, which is typically gray.”

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The purpose of the PPI HDPE Conduit Sample Collection Program is to analyze the used conduit for research about long-term performance and durability. “It is well-known,” Vibien continued, “that HDPE conduit is an excellent material for housing and protecting electrical power and telecommunications cables, with benefits including long lengths without joints, high strength and installation toughness. This research effort will increase the body of knowledge about the product’s long-term durability for power and communication applications.”

More information is available here. Contact Patrick Vibien, P.Eng., Director of Engineering, Power & Communications Division, at pvibien@plasticpipe.org or 469-499-1048 if you have samples to submit.

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