Top Jobs Awards: Anchor Construction Corp. (Water Distribution)


Water Distribution

Anchor Construction Corp.,Washington, D.C.
Project: DC Water Large Valve Replacement

Anchor Construction furnished and installed varied sizes of gate and butterfly valves for DC Water at multiple locations in the District of Columbia from sizes of 12 to 54 in. in diameter. The scope of work included major traffic controls in public roadways, saw cutting, excavation, cutting and removal of pipe and valves and the coordination of water main shutdowns and outages. Anchor had to furnish and install proposed valves, fittings and accessories, drain blow-offs, manholes and covers per DC Water specifications. Additionally, roadway, sidewalk, curbs, gutters and grass restoration had to be completed for all of the disturbed areas. One major challenge was the cutting and installation of the proposed 54-in. valve, fittings and accessories at 15th and K Street, S.E., location because of a limited shutdown duration due to the existing water line being used to feed the Overlook and Bryant Street Pumping Plant. Small windows of time were consistent throughout the project because many of the project upgrades impacted public drinking water. The successful completion of this project added much needed improvements to the district’s aging water infrastructure.

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