The Vac-Ex Files: Vac-Con


Mike Selby, National Service Manager

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Protecting the Asset: When operating a hydroexcavator, the operator should routinely check all vacuum piping. Damaged vacuum piping can not only cause vacuum efficiency losses, but can also increase carryover from the debris tank. Additionally, periodic routine maintenance should be performed regularly. Routine maintenance maintains machine performance and extends the lifespan of the hydroexcavator. Continued operator training is also important. A knowledgeable operator will protect your equipment and minimize unnecessary downtime.

After using a hydroexcavator, operators should empty the spoils tank to prevent premature seal wear and corrosion. The operator should also inventory consumables daily to ensure adequate supply for the next job. Routinely cleaning the equipment after each use will not only strengthen your company’s image, but will eliminate breakdowns caused by neglect. In colder regions, be aware of the temperature. If there is the slightest threat of freezing, winterize, winterize, winterize.

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Favorite Unit: Vac-Con’s XX-Cavator features dual PD blowers, a 16-yard debris tank, and 1,300 gal of water, capable of moving 7,000 cfm and 28-in. Hg. It is also available with a choice of front- or rear-mounted boom, water systems up to to 4,000 psi and an options list to satisfy the demands of any job. Due to the substantial power available, the XX-Cavator performs well at low rpms and extreme distances, capable of saving a reported 13 gal of fuel per day.

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