Prime Resins Receives NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Certification for PR10L ACLM

Prime Resins, a leading manufacturer of chemical grouts, foams, adhesives and coatings for infrastructure repair and protection, has made innovation and a devotion to environmental improvement a cornerstone of its operation for decades.

PR10L ACLM, a super-thin liquid that follows infiltration to seal leaks when gelled, is now NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified for contact with potable water. This rigorous standard is updated and monitored routinely by a committee consisting of industry members, end users and public health experts.

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Achieving NSF 61 certification highlights Prime Resins’ devotion to ensuring safe drinking water and providing environmentally friendly solutions for infrastructure improvement, such as sealing leaks in and around structures in contact with drinking water.

The reassurance of safety that comes with this certification also allows PR10L ACLM to be specified in applications where it is a much more economical choice than alternative product types. In addition, PR10 is the ONLY acrylamide product in use for leak sealing made in America.

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PR10L ACLM is a super low viscosity acrylamide grout that yields a gel upon reaction. Sealing leaks in sanitary and storm water mainlines, pipe penetrations, laterals, lift stations and manholes.

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